Thursday, March 24, 2016

#ESafety: Setting an example and thinking outside the box!

Hey all!

Hope you have been keeping up with our blog here and seen our tweets passing around word of #ESafety!

Take a look at this brief Youtube video (link below) posted by levellearning which goes over some valuable details in using Creative Commons. Creative Commons is a different way to protect yourself online and while you may not have thought of it prior to today, it can be a worthy resource. By using a site such as Creative Commons you are giving yourself assured safety that you can control how your property or thoughts are going to be used by others with internet access. Think outside the box and open your mind up to the possibilities of internet safety meaning more than changing your password every three months or so. View the link below and perhaps try Creative Commons for yourself! Is this something that you would like to see available to you through your college years? Have you ever worked with Creative Commons before? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

Published on Jul 31, 2012
Digital Literacy Induction Abingdon and Witney College

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