Thursday, April 7, 2016

What are you looking at and Who is looking at you

One of the main premises of online safety is knowing what kind of footprint you are leaving behind. However, hackers aside, do you know who else may be looking or following your online keystrokes? The article "How your Facebook posts give away your age, gender and personality type: Research confirms women love baking and babies, while for men it's Fifa and beards" written bVictoria Woollaston for Daily Mail back in 2013 (article link listed in credits) discusses a different way that your activity online may be used. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania conducted a study based upon the Facebook status updates posted by users, the information gathered was analyzed and only collected based upon the few words we use to describe how we feel about our day before we hit post. Take a look back at your Facebook posts, what do you think these posts would tell someone who had never met you about who you are as a person? What kind of demographical information might you have let slip without ever realizing it, would someone be able to target you for product sales, or could you have compromised your home by posting vacation pictures. Everyone has an expectation of privacy but when we post day to day activities online do we still expect to have that privacy to the fullest extent? 

Click on the link below to read "How your Facebook posts give away your age, gender and personality type: Research confirms women love baking and babies, while for men it's Fifa and beards" and feel free to post your thoughts on this blog post in the comment section below! We look forward to continuing the conversation of #ESafety with you! 

Written By: Malyssa T.

Article Reference
How your Facebook posts give away your age, gender and personality type: Research confirms women love baking and babies, while for men it's Fifa and beards
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old shoot from London, summer '05 - (stencil by banksy).
>>what are you looking at?<<

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