Thursday, April 7, 2016

How to photographers protect pictures on Social Media

Good afternoon,

I found really interesting information for those people who likes to work with photographs. According to Matthew Corkins he is a writer, Social Media is very productive for photographers and in other hand it can lead to stilling someone picture (work). He gives us couple of advises of how to protect pictures if its your own pictures. Those people who work in this industry or might start to work might be interested. To protecting your own work on Social Media, watermarking could be as one of the solution to the this problem. Of course it can makes pictures looks different or ugly, but at least everyone would know whose work it is. Also he suggests don't upload the full size of professional pictures in social media because other can download it and print it, but in this way they wouldn't have good quality. To upload all pictures online also bad idea, its better to post only few pictures and give people the link to your professional website. People who works with promoting their pictures on social media should know about those details. 

Thank you everyone for attention,

Corkins, M. (2013, June 13). Social Media Safety For Photographers - Resource Magazine. Retrieved April 07, 2016, from

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This work, which the author - MATTHEW CORKINS, available under the license Creative Commons «Attribution» ( «Attribution») 4.0 World.

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